4 Practical Steps To Manage Your Emotions In Difficult Times//Wild MamaTV

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I’m Tiff

You have so many gifts,
strengths, & talents to share
with the world and my job
is to help you fully align to them so you can get them out there!

Do you keep feeling overwhelmed by your emotions? Full of stress and anxiety and not quite sure what to do about it or how to process everything you’re feeling?

This 4-step process for managing your emotions in difficult times may be exactly what you need.

Oh hey there! Welcome to the Wild Mama Blog! I’m excited to be diving into this topic today.

And I just want to say firstly that, if you’ve been feeling “all the things” these days but kind of unsure of what you’re feeling at the same time, lol, you’re not alone!

Before COVID hit, navigating complex feelings & emotions was already the number 1 struggle mamas I work with face. Our feelings & emotions have so many roots and layers, often entangled with our traumas and pains. We have triggers & auto-responses that we’ve developed with certain feelings that often block us from even going there.

And especially as mamas, we’re often shamed for feeling. If we’re sad, we’re complaining too much. If we have needs, we’re needy. If we’re upset, we’re always angry… We’re taught to suppress our feelings, just be strong, just be super mom, get over it, get back to the kids. But WTH, we’re human too!

Its not healthy or helpful for you to continue to suppress all that. That’s how resentment builds & we end up lashing out “for no reason” at everyone around us.

I know this can be a challenging area for you to dive deeper into as a mama and it’s not going to change overnight. But I want to offer these practical steps to help you at least start moving through the complex emotions coming up for you.

I’d like to offer you a different perspective towards your feelings & emotions. Our emotions are not something to fear. They’re not here to intentionally harm you, make you uncomfortable, shame you, or attack you, even though I know sometimes it can feel like that.

Our emotions are incredibly wise & a portal to the deeper parts of yourself that you’ve likely been ignoring. When you suppress your emotions vs. listen to them, you’re suppressing & discarding your own voice, intuition, need knowing, & wild woman.

If you’re feeling a little scared, overwhelmed, or intimidated at the thought of actually taking time to face what you’re feeling, I want you to just take a deep breath & remember that you’re in control and you can decide how much or how little you’d like to engage. Just go slow. I’m going to guide you through this process and it’s going to be great!

Are you ready to go deeper to begin to uncover the wisdom your feelings have to offer you? Hit play now to learn my 4-Step Process.

Oh! And be sure to grab a pen & paper to write notes down…I have so many goodies to share with ya!


DIVE DEEPER: Manage Your Emotions Checklist and Join me LIVE all month for a special deep dive on this topic in community with other mamas. You’ll be a master at this process by the end of the month!

Want to master the art of managing your emotions?

start by simply naming your feelings.

Like I said in today’s episode, while their are 4 steps to this process, for this week, I just want you to start with step 1: Name Your Feelings.

Naming your feelings is such a rewarding process. We can often assume what we’re feeling but taking even 5-15mins to actually check in with yourself to determine what you’re feeling can be so enlightening & liberating!

So take the following steps to get started.

  1. Find a feelings list that you feel comfortable with

    In the video, I shared a few ideas for how you can do this but one of the easiest is to just google “feelings list” and see what comes up. I personally like the Non-Violent Communication Feelings List.

  2. Set aside 5 - 15 mins to review the list

    It’s important that you take 5-15mins of uninterrupted time to do this. You matter enough to give yourself some space & time to do this. I know our kids are around all the time now but I believe you can decide to set aside 5-15mins of “me” time to sit down & do this.

  3. Write down all the feelings that resonate with you!

    Don’t hold back or think you “should” just list a few feelings. There’s no right or wrong way here. It’s more important to be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling than not. This isn’t about anyone else. So let it flow, write it down, & I strongly encourage you to not judge yourself throughout the process. If you punish yourself with judgement for feeling what you’re feeling, you’re teaching your subconscious and your feelings that it’s not okay to be honest. We don’t want that.

Replace your judgement with curiosity.

4. After you’ve named your feelings, take this week to just let it sit.

If you feel ready, you can take the next step I listed. But don’t feel pressure to go fast. Just sit with your discovery and let it marinate. You’ll be surprised by how much clarity can come by just naming them & then sitting with it.

Now, I would love to hear from you. What feelings did you list? And what was your biggest takeaway from this episode?



Learn how to heal, be whole, & live aligned to the energy of your soul as a mama.

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Share as much detail as possible in your reply. I’ve seen the power of mamas genuinely sharing their feelings, insights, & ideas and how much that helps other mamas on their journey. So know that your words may help another mama have a meaningful insight or breakthrough. Share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments below. But please note that links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted as they come across as spammy.❌

If you’re familiar with me or Wild Mama, you know our space is sacred & we treat ourselves & others with the utmost kindness. Please write and respond to each other in that same spirit.


Your time is sacred — taking even just a few moments out of your day to check in with yourself & how you’re feeling will make an enormous difference in your life. Trust me. So take special care of yourself this week & can’t wait to see what comes up for you.

With all the love,
