Never Give Up On A Dream Just Because It Will Take Time

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” - Earl Nightingale⁣⁣

I love the truth in this quote. I used to be crippled by the idea of how long something would take. If I thought I wasn't going to make it, didn't know how to make it, or felt I wasn't good enough to make it, I'd get overwhelmed and quit before I even got started.⁣ It was a horrendous cycle that seemed impossible to break.⁣

I eventually learned how to show up for me & not sabotage myself. It requires a great deal of discipline to commit to something over the long haul but believe me, it’s worth it. ⁣Here are a few dreams I’ve had and how long it took me to actually get there:⁣

💵Pay off debt by 30💵⁣ ✏️I made this goal when I got married and had to take out my first college loan😒 I was 20. This hung over my head for 10 years😳⁣

✅I didn’t get my first “real” job until 27 and managed to pay off 35k in debt a few days before I turned 31. ⁣

☀️Move to a warm location🌴⁣

✏️In 2011 after being in Baja California for 2.5 months and coming back to Chicago, I realized how much stress and chaos was there and how it was NOT the right place for me. So I decided I wanted to move⁣

✅It took 7 years before it finally happened!😱 it was hard and sometimes I thought it would NEVER happen! But I kept believing and aligning myself to it and then all of the sudden, BAM, we live in Hawai’i🌺⁣

👩🏽‍💻Own my own work from home/anywhere business🌍⁣

✏️I made this goal in like 2014 after realizing it was possible but had no idea how to do it for myself.⁣

✅It took my til 2018/19 to make it super real.⁣

🧘🏽‍♀️Reconcile the last 29 years of my life🧘🏽‍♀️⁣

✏️I made this goal when I was 29. I was so bent on turning 30 and not wanting to take all my baggage into my 30’s. I had a lot of unhealed wounds that were messing up my life. ⁣

✅I went to therapy intensely for 1.5 years and faced all my shit. It was hard as hell but once I cleaned house, MY LIFE CHANGED😊⁣

So there you have it mamas! Don’t let the time discourage you. The time will pass anyway and any dream worth pursuing takes time.🌺🦋
