One Year Ago, I Resigned From My Job As CEO

One year ago, on Jan 23 2018, I woke up knowing it was time to resign from my job. Even though I had just become the CEO 4 months earlier at 5 weeks postpartum, the inner turmoil and unrest was undeniable. All the signs were pointing toward change and everything in my body and heart was telling me it was time to go. My mind and EGO had long lists of justifications and reasoning for staying but after a long time of wrestling and indecision, I knew it was time to take action.⁣⁣

What I didn’t understand at that moment however, was what was on the other side of making that decision. Although I could feel it building, I was unaware of the roaring river waiting to burst through on the other side. So many times we get hung up or hold off on making hard decisions because we aren’t sure of what’s on the other side and that scares us. Even when staying or not deciding means compromising our values and enduring misery. It definitely scared me. But in my experience, you never know which decision will be the final key that unlocks the door. Unknowingly for me, that 1 decision 1 year ago, was the final key in a long string of decisions I’d been making and it opened the floodgates of epic change!⁣⁣

No lie, within three months of making that decision, our whole life shifted. Not only did we visit Hawai’i (I’ll tell you that story later!) but we moved there! We found a place, a school, sold everything and drove across the country to fly to HI. And on top of that, we launched a company! WOW! ⁣⁣

1 year ago I was still living in Chicago completely unaware that within a few months I’d be realizing my dreams of living in a warmer location, working for myself and that I’d embark on one of the most intense spiritual journeys of my life. And it all rested on making that decision and taking action on it in spite of fears and all I didn’t know or have.⁣⁣

So even though it was scary, I realized after that not making that decision was blocking the very thing I most desired from actualizing in my life.⁣

So what about you? What decision are you sitting on making? What urge is swelling so strongly within you but taking action on it scares you senseless? Tell me!⁣

Photo: 2 months in HI 💕
